Burmese Democracy dissidents demonstrated in Malaysia
By Mohammad Sadek
Kuala Lumpur, August 24, 2007: Today, Burmese democracy dissidents from different Burmese political organizations staged a peaceful demonstration in front of Burmese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
A memorandum of the
demonstration was endorsed by Democratic Federation of Burma (DFB), Malaysia Branch, National League for Democracy (NLD-LA) Malaysia Branch led by Dr. Naing Linn, National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR-exile) Malaysia Branch, Burma Youth Strive Organization (BYSO), All Burma Democratic Force (ABDF), Malaysia, Rohingya Organization let by Mr. Zafar, Burma Refugee Organization (BRO) let by Dr. Myat Noe Khaing, Burmese Muslim Organization (BMO), Christian Community Clinic Center (CCCC) and individual democracy dissidents and human rights activist and defenders.
There were more than 200 activists rushed to the front of Embassy and read two pages of memorandum by a woman activist, Dr. Myat Noe Khaing, the in-charge of Burma Refugee Organization (BRO) in Malaysia.
The memorandum state
d that “we protesting the brutal behaviors on the democracy dissidents and human rights defenders in the country. Our step aims are to set free of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners including the re-arrested Min Ko Naing and other 88 generation student leaders, while struggling for the liberation of innocent civilians who have living in sub-human condition.”
It further stated that “88 Generation Student Movement led by Min Ko Naing is not terrorist activities. The struggle is very rightful and its stand is against unjust martial laws. But your (the regime’s) laws are not acceptable to the people of the country and thus people have to stay in various difficulties including food, shelter, health, education and etc. So, we are showing our strong solidarity with the movement of 88generation student leaders.”
Aung Kyaw Moe, the Vice-Chairman of Democratic Federation of Burma (DFB) Malaysia Branch said that “Our fight is against the fascist Burmese regime that does not see any welfare or benefit of the people of Burma and that do everything against its own people. It is well-known to the people of the world that the regime is acting against humanity. It is brutal and inhumane at all. So that we will continue our rightful struggle unless the unconditional release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners.”

Maung Thein, the Chairman of DFB, Malaysia Branch told to the media that “the regime cannot deny its hypocrisy and conspiracy against innocent civilians. Regime instigates religious riots, ethnic tensions, and rampant crises of economy, backwardness on education and political confusions in order to keep its dictatorial power in their hand. It is also denying the people’s elected government that won in 1990. If the regime is sincere for the country and people it must hand over the power to the legitimate government immediately and unconditionally.”
A repetitive of the National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR-exile), Malaysia Brach said, “Fascist Burmese regime is drafting new constitution without the will of people in its sham convention with some hand picked-up delegates from the military. It has also hike up the fuel price up to 500 percent that is an intentional pressure on its own people. While arrested the most prominent 88 generation student leaders
Min Ko Naing, Ko Ko Gyi, Min Zeya, Ko Jimmy, Ko Pyone Cho, Arnt Bwe Kyaw and Ko Mya Aye and some others.”
Earlier this year, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed Ibrahim Gambari as a senior adviser to continue the work of promoting democracy in Burma. Last month, Gambari visited China as well as other Asian nations to discuss concerns about military-ruled Burma. But the regime is acting negatively toward the process.
Therefore, the dissidents call upon the State Peace & Development Council (SPDC), the Burmese regime that to (1) unconditionally free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners including U Tin Oo, U Kyaw Min and re-arrested 88 Generation Student Leaders Ko Min Ko Naing and others immediately (2) initiate a meaningful tripartite dialogue with NLD and ethnic nationalities for the democratic reform immediately in order to draft the constitution with the people’s elected representatives, democracy-icon Da
w Aung San Suu Kyi and 88 generations student leaders (3) cease all sorts of human rights abuses and atrocities against ethnic minorities and religious groups like the Rohingyas, Karen, Karenni, Mon, Chin, Shan and etc. in order to ensure their human rights as equal regardless of race and religion (4) Ensure basic and fundamental rights of the people to education, economy, health and etc. in order to free the people from all kinds of meaningless difficulties (5) abolish fascist and brutal leading of the regime in order to ensure peace, justice, freedom for all and (6) reduce fuel prices as soon as possible in order to bring a sustainable economy for the people of Burma.
The demonstrator ended the event with a revolutionary song which encourages the activists to take part more actively and to continue struggle restlessly. ##
For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at: 0163094599, E-mail: sadek_brefugee@yahoo.com
Writer is democracy and human rights activist of Burma and freelancer on Arakan, Burma and its people, particularly the Rohingyas of Arakan State.

Kuala Lumpur, August 24, 2007: Today, Burmese democracy dissidents from different Burmese political organizations staged a peaceful demonstration in front of Burmese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
A memorandum of the
There were more than 200 activists rushed to the front of Embassy and read two pages of memorandum by a woman activist, Dr. Myat Noe Khaing, the in-charge of Burma Refugee Organization (BRO) in Malaysia.
The memorandum state
It further stated that “88 Generation Student Movement led by Min Ko Naing is not terrorist activities. The struggle is very rightful and its stand is against unjust martial laws. But your (the regime’s) laws are not acceptable to the people of the country and thus people have to stay in various difficulties including food, shelter, health, education and etc. So, we are showing our strong solidarity with the movement of 88generation student leaders.”
Aung Kyaw Moe, the Vice-Chairman of Democratic Federation of Burma (DFB) Malaysia Branch said that “Our fight is against the fascist Burmese regime that does not see any welfare or benefit of the people of Burma and that do everything against its own people. It is well-known to the people of the world that the regime is acting against humanity. It is brutal and inhumane at all. So that we will continue our rightful struggle unless the unconditional release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners.”
Maung Thein, the Chairman of DFB, Malaysia Branch told to the media that “the regime cannot deny its hypocrisy and conspiracy against innocent civilians. Regime instigates religious riots, ethnic tensions, and rampant crises of economy, backwardness on education and political confusions in order to keep its dictatorial power in their hand. It is also denying the people’s elected government that won in 1990. If the regime is sincere for the country and people it must hand over the power to the legitimate government immediately and unconditionally.”
A repetitive of the National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR-exile), Malaysia Brach said, “Fascist Burmese regime is drafting new constitution without the will of people in its sham convention with some hand picked-up delegates from the military. It has also hike up the fuel price up to 500 percent that is an intentional pressure on its own people. While arrested the most prominent 88 generation student leaders
Earlier this year, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed Ibrahim Gambari as a senior adviser to continue the work of promoting democracy in Burma. Last month, Gambari visited China as well as other Asian nations to discuss concerns about military-ruled Burma. But the regime is acting negatively toward the process.
Therefore, the dissidents call upon the State Peace & Development Council (SPDC), the Burmese regime that to (1) unconditionally free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners including U Tin Oo, U Kyaw Min and re-arrested 88 Generation Student Leaders Ko Min Ko Naing and others immediately (2) initiate a meaningful tripartite dialogue with NLD and ethnic nationalities for the democratic reform immediately in order to draft the constitution with the people’s elected representatives, democracy-icon Da
The demonstrator ended the event with a revolutionary song which encourages the activists to take part more actively and to continue struggle restlessly. ##
For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at: 0163094599, E-mail: sadek_brefugee@yahoo.com
Writer is democracy and human rights activist of Burma and freelancer on Arakan, Burma and its people, particularly the Rohingyas of Arakan State.