Ref: NDPHR (USA) 34-34/07
Date: June 23, 2007
Demonstration in Washington D.C. and in front of United Nations Headquarters
Date: June 23, 2007
Demonstration in Washington D.C. and in front of United Nations Headquarters
In continuation of the program of action undertaken by the Burmese Democratic Forces led by Mobilization Forces of International Mass Campaigns for Burma on the Occasion of 62nd Anniversary Birthday of Democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (DASSK), more demonstrations were held in Washington D.C. and in front of United Nations Headquarters in New York City, USA.
After completion of the Multi-religious prayer ceremony and “Racial Unity Town Hall Conference” in Fort Wayne City, Indiana State on the date of June 16, 2007 by the Burmese Democratic Forces namely, the Ethnic American Coalition, Mobilization Forces of International Mass Campaigns for Burma, National Democratic Party for Human Rights (exile) USA (HQ), Overseas National League for Democracy (USA – Fort Wayne), Democratic Organization of Burma (North Carolina), Burmese Democratic Community (The Netherlands), and International Peace March Campaigns, the members of the mentioned organizations traveled to Washington D.C. where demonstrations were held in front of Russia Embassy, China Embassy, and Burmese (Myanmar) Embassy on the date of June 18 &19, 2007. In Washington D.C., the members of the US based Burmese Democratic Student Organization actively participated in the demonstration.
Again, On June 20, 2007, the members of the afore-said organizations including U Win Shing Maung, a representative from Burma Point (NY) held a demonstration in front of the United Nations (HQ) in New York City. The demonstration began at 11 A.M and stopped at 1: 30 P.M. due to unfavorable weather condition.
However, as the weather situation changed, the demonstration was continued from 2 p.m. to 4: 30 p.m. by the National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR – exile) USA (HQ) with the participation of some local American People.
U Maung Sein (aka) Mohiuddin, the President of NDPHR (exile) USA (HQ) represented the NDPHR (exile) and he delivered the following speech.
(A Brief Speech of U Maung Sein)
- On behalf of the NDPHR (exile) USA (HQ) and the oppressed Rohingya Community in Burma and all those who are scattered around the world, I send my best wishes to Burmese democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for her 62nd birthday, June 19.
Her strength, courage, and personal sacrifice in standing up for the oppressed people of Burma have inspired us and all Burmese democratic forces who stand for freedom and justice in Burma.
On June 19th 2007, Burma's democracy leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, celebrated her 62nd birthday. But she celebrated her birthday (yesterday) alone, under house arrest.She is now in her 11th year of detention. She isn't allowed to see family or friends as all visitors are banned. Her phone line is cut and her post is intercepted.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is now serving her third term of house arrest. She was arrested on 30 May 2003 after the regime's militia attacked her convoy and killed up to 100 of her supporters.
We demand today again with strong voice to the Burmese military junta to release immediately and free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi along-with all political prisoners.
On this day, in front of the United Nations Headquarter, New York, USA, we pledge that we will continue our non-violent struggle for the immediate release of our national leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi including all other political prisoners and U Kyaw Min (aka) Shamsul Anwar, U Tin Oo, U Khun Tun Oo, U Win Tin etc.
We also condemn the SPDC military junta and denounce its drafting the New Constitution without NLD and keeping the democracy icon in Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest with complete isolation.
We will not stop our activities until and unless Democracy and multi-ethnic peoples’ representative Government is established in Burma working together with all Burmese democrats and activists around the world.
We would like to express our thanks appreciation to the First Lady Laura Bush, the White house officials, other international leaders who demanded in strong voice for her immediate release sending 62nd Happy birthday Message to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.
We also demand the Government and people of China, Russia and India not to support the current Burmese SPDC Government and stop moral, material and financial support in all forms to the SPDC military regime who is ruling the country with steam-roller violating the national and international laws with utmost disregard of world public opinion and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Today, I would like to urge repeatedly to all democratic forces struggling hard paying a heavy price for the restoration of peace, justice and equality in Burma to come forward with clean hearts and democratic spirit to embrace each other forgetting the past hostilities and misunderstanding for the enhancement and re-energize the on-going democratic movement in united way.
Until and unless all democratic forces in and out of Burma are united with unshakable faith as a cemented wall to oppose the SPDC regime, it will not be possible to establish democratic rule removing the military dictatorship in Burma.
Let us unite under the leadership of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for the greater interest of suffering Burmese people and free Burma before it is too late and we reach to a point of no return.
Long Live Burmese democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi!
We will win and Victory belonged to all Burmese people!
Do not give up!
All our sacrifices and heavy prices will not go in vain!
Long live Burmese democratic Forces!
Thank you.
Maung Sein (aka) Mohiuddin
On behalf of NDPHR (exile –HQ)