Burmese Democratic Forces denounces the SPDC's Sham National Convention and urges to stop Nuclear Program
By Mohammad Sadek
Kuala Lumpur, July 17, 2007: Burmese Democratic forces in Malaysia have strongly denounced the sham national convention and urged to stop nuclear program.
Today, a group of about 100 Burmese democracy activists held a demonstration in front of Burmese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur at about 11:15am and demanded the Burmese regime with a press statement that to release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, U Tin Oo, U
Khun Htun Oo, Writer U Win Tin and U Kyaw Min immediately and unconditionally; to release all political prisoners unconditionally; to stop nuclear enrichment program; to stop Sham National Convention and allow putting the will of people representatives; to permit to open the offices of legal political party (NLD) immediately; to decrease the taxes of Burmese workers in Malaysia; and to stop human rights violations.
During the time of demonstration the Malaysia authority more than 100 policemen were taking care of the program and co-operated the demonstrators.
The demonstration was organized by the Democratic Federation of Burma (DFB), Malaysia branch, while democratic dissidents from the Democratic Federation of Burma (DFB), National League for Democracy-Liberated Area (NLD-LA) led by Dr. Naing Linn, Burma Youth Secret Organization (BYSO), Christian Community Clinic Center (CCCC), National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR) exile (Malaysia Branch, Rohingya Organization led by Mr. Zafar, Chin Nationalities League for Solidarity (CNLS) and member organizations of All Burma Democratic Force (ABDF) took part in the event.
In their statement, the DFB mentioned that "we are standing and struggling for reality. We are not doing anything for ourselves. We are not scarifying our lives senselessly. We are trying utmost for our people and civil society of Burma as they would not loss their human dignity. What about you?"
At the same time these democratic dissidents demonstrated in front of Russian Embassy at about 11:50 am, denouncing the policy of Russian government towards Burma and misuse of its veto at the United Nations Security Council.
They expressed their deep concern that the Russian Govt.'s exploitation of logging in northern Burma , which has resulted in tremendous environmental damage to the country, could cause a negative impact on an already fragile environment.
Demonstrators also expressed that "Burma is a threat to the regional and International peace and security as regime has been getting support from Russia in planting nuclear reactors in Burma . The regime has a major program underway to exploit Burma's reserves of uranium ore, including through processing into the refined form known as yellowcak."
When asked, Aung Kyaw Moe,
On the other hand, Maung Thein, the Chairman of DFB expressed that "we will continue our rightful struggle unless there is democratic transition in Burma ."
A member of National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR) exile, Malaysia Branch, an ethnic Rohingya organ said that Burma is one of the largest sources of refugees, human trafficking, narcotics and both communicable diseases and other public health and law enforcement problems. Russia would use its power to protect the safety and livelihoods of all citizens of Burma and to ensure that all Burmese people are able to live in peace, freedom, justice and dignity.
Mentioned may be made that the regime is going to resume its national convention on the 18th of July 2007 to finalize state constitution without the will of people including the peoplefs elected representatives from National League for Democracy (NLD) and other ethnic nationalities organizations.
For further information, please contact at: Tel;+6(0)163094599
Email: mailto:hsadek_brefugee@yahoo.com
Writer is a freelance journalist on Burma and its people, particularly on the ethnic Rohingya and Burmese democracy activist.
Writer is a freelance journalist on Burma and its people, particularly on the ethnic Rohingya and Burmese democracy activist.
Furtehr media reports, please click: http://www.voanews.com/burmese/2007-07-17-voa2.cfm